Little Fiddler Crab


A Poem by Laura Richardson

Island photo by Jeff Burger

Little fiddler crab
tiddle toddles sideways
towards his grape
tossed by a man with a
big, broad grin smiling at him.

 A zip and a zap,
got it and back,
down his sand hole again,
eyes bulging over the brim
watching the man watch him. 

Years ago when I was a teen
I dreamed to study the life of marine,
off to college with surf and sea,
on the glorious sands of Honolulu, Hawaii. 

My mother said “NO!”

 I think she feared a giant wave
or shark or handsome guy
would sweep me away on
a forever summer day,
and swallow me up alive. 

I sit now in wonder watching this scene,
grapes being grabbed by the fiddler crab,
my handsome husband’s eyes all agleam,
and imagine I’ve found my dream.

 In the white island sands
and the blue turquoise sea,
was I finally earning that special degree? 

Another sweet treat
flicked the fiddler crab’s way
starts their dance over
again and again,
as if the grapes were
sweet notes in rhythm
written just for them.

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PoemsAriel Chiang