Dear Sir Roland


A note from Sir Roland Richardson:

I believe the purpose of Art is to nourish and uplift the spirit. In all my work, this is my mission.

When over the years, a collector sends a sensitive note of gratitude and encouragement, it is the greatest reward of all.

 I would like to share a few with you…

Accolades from Buster

Accolades from Buster:

This was a first in all my 60 years of painting.
A text from Buster the cat that read, 
“Hello, I am a big Roland art fan, too!  Meow.”

There Buster sat sleepily on an elegant chair beneath an amazing body of my work collected in deepest friendship over 30 years.  It made me seriously ponder if Buster is being nourished by his surroundings?  I would like to believe so.

A note from Valeri and Steven:

The following note from Valori and Steven, who are engaged to be married, made me understand how Art can be an important bond within a couple’s union and marriage, from the beginning of their courtship and throughout their lifetime together.

 To find a work that both love is a mystery to be celebrated.

“Dear Sir Roland Richardson,
The day we received the “Flamboyant Shadows” painting will forever be etched in our hearts. As I unrolled our painting with my fiance by my side, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear….

My fiance and I are night and day when it comes to art styles, so when we stumble upon something we both like it’s nothing short of a miracle.  

When we gazed upon this painting, we both looked at each other and said, ‘This is the one!’ This painting not only reminds us of the beautiful scenery we saw as we explored the island but also of ourselves…

Thank you for this little piece of Paradise.”

Valeri and Steven

A note from Karen Chizmar:

“We were in St Maarten for two wonderful weeks and just got home yesterday.  We always treat ourselves to dinner at L’Auberge Gourmande and were blessed enough to indulge twice this last visit while feasting our eyes on Sir Roland’s beautiful works! 

What a charmed life we live!

We now get to enjoy bits of St Maarten at home with views on Baie Longue,  thanks to you and Sir Roland.

My Best, 

All three customers here custom-ordered beautiful limited edition giclees on canvas for their homes.

As our thanks for your order, we offer free shipping within the USA on two or more custom-made giclees.


Ariel Chiang